Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘Indigenous Australia’.
A Telegraph Line across the Continent
The story of the struggle to cross a vast continent and build the telegraph line that would bring Australia to the world and the world to Australia.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 1 Australia to 1914
VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Colonisation
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation
Aboriginal people and the colony of NSW
On January 26, 1788 the British arrived at what is now known as Sydney, New South Wales, with the intention of taking possession of the land in the name of the British Government and the King, and of staying.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation
National / Upper Primary / Australian History / Colonisation
Aboriginal People in the Gibson Desert
Aboriginal People in the Gibson Desert is an excerpt from the film Desert People (51 mins), produced in 1966. In 1966 a few Aboriginal families were living nomadic lives in the heart of Australia's Gibson Desert.
NSW / Stage 4 / History / Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples, Colonisation and Contact History
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Indigenous studies
VIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Indigenous work
VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
NSW / Stage 4 / English / Indigenous studies
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Indigenous studies
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / English / Indigenous studies
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / ESL / Indigenous studies
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / ESL / Indigenous studies
National / Year 7 & 8 / English and Media Literacy / Representation
National / Year 7 & 8 / Civics and Citizenship / Historical perspectives
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
QLD / Year 8 & 9 / English / Representation
National / Upper Primary / Civics and Citizenship / Historical Perspectives
Aboriginal People Make a Canoe and Hunt a Turtle
Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory is the home of coastal Aboriginal People.
On the beach it's time to play out one of the dramas of daily life - the return of the hunters.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
Albert Namatjira
Northern Territory Art Gallery Curator Franchesca Cubillo talks about the life of acclaimed Arrente artist Albert Namatjira (1902-1959) and his citizenship granted in 1957.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Racism
Augustus Earle and his Dog, Jemmy
Misadventure turned to good fortune when young English artist Augustus Earle was rescued after being marooned on a remote island and accidentally became the colony’s first trained artist.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 1 Australia to 1914
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Visual Arts / Art criticism and aesthetics
CAAMA & Indigenous Broadcasting
A broadcast studio at Radio Redfern in the late 80s.
Christina Spurgeon talks about the importance of providing media services to remote Indigenous communities to the culture, identity and language of Aboriginal Australians.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 6 Changing Rights and Freedoms
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Indigenous Broadcasting
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
NSW / Stage 5 / Photographic and Digital Media / Australian Indigenous Media
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Indigenous broadcasting
National / Year 9 & 10 / Civics and Citizenship / Citizenship in a democracy
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Identity
National / Year 11 & 12 / Media Studies / Media Audiences
Captain Cook - Cook Claims New South Wales
After spending some time observing an Aboriginal tribe, Cook claims the entire east coast of New Holland for Britain.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Documentaries
National / Upper Primary / Indigenous Studies / Culture
Charles Darwin thinks about Indigenous people in Australia
In 1836 Darwin briefly visited Australia. Professor Iain McCalman reflects on Darwin's observation of the impact and triumph of settler society on indigenous peoples.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation
Charles Perkins - Freedom Ride
Charles Perkins’ involvement in the Freedom Ride through rural New South Wales in the early 1960s played a crucial role in demonstrating that Aboriginal people could begin to stand up for themselves.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Charles Perkins - Institutions
Charles Perkins recounts the experiences that fuelled his great anger against white injustice and his determination to fight for Aboriginal rights.
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Darwin meets Aborigines from the Darug Nation
In 1836 Charles Darwin visited Australia. He observed at first hand the impact of the onset of invading humans on the indigenous population.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
Dreamings, Through Indigenous Art
Indigenous art is like topographic mapping of land and culture. Michael Nelson Tjakamarra works at painting concentric circles which represent sacred sites.
VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 7 & 8 / Civics and Citizenship / Historical perspectives
National / Year 9 & 10 / Civics and Citizenship / Citizenship in a democracy
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Land
National / Upper Primary / Civics and Citizenship / Historical Perspectives
European Observers
On January 26, 1788 the British arrived at what is now known as Sydney, New South Wales. From that day on, the lives of Australia’s indigenous peoples, their culture, history and traditions, were forever changed.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Identity
Faith Bandler - Activist
Civil rights activist Faith Bandler has made an enormous contribution to the peace movement and indigenous politics.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
QLD / Year 8 & 9 / SOSE / Indigenous Studies
Figure in the Landscape
John Glover revolutionised his art to become one of Australia’s finest landscape artists.
National / Year 7 & 8 / Visual Arts / Art criticism and aesthetics
VIC / VELS Level 5 / The Arts / Exploring and responding
VIC / VCE Unit 1 / Studio Arts / Artistic inspiration and techniques
Harold Holt’s Briefcase
The disappearance of our seventeenth Prime Minister, Harold Holt, during a beach holiday sparked countless conspiracy theories. The items left in his briefcase are a significant time capsule of his last days as Prime Minister.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 8 Australia's social and cultural history
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 11 & 12 / Australian Studies / Indigenous Studies
Imparja: Indigenous Broadcasting
Imparja Television allows Indigenous communities to tell their stories and to communicate both with each other as well as the wider Australian community.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 6 Changing Rights and Freedoms
VIC / VCE Unit 2 / Media / Australian media organisations
NSW / Stage 5 / Photographic and Digital Media / Australian Indigenous Media
National / Year 9 & 10 / Civics and Citizenship / Historical perspectives
Independent media
Trevor Barr talks about independent media and behind the scenes at Radio Redfern as another show goes to air.
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Indigenous Broadcasting
Indigenous Business - A Cattle Station
The Yugal Cattle Co was given a grant of $336,000 to go into business running a cattle station. Their dreams of making money from cattle and beef export are big but there are problems. Traditional Indigenous laws are different from white man's law.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at work
VIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Indigenous work
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / ESL / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / ESL / Australians at work
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
Indigenous Community Market Garden
An Indigenous community works hard to make a profitable, self-sustaining market garden. The aim is to create jobs for as many of their community as possible.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at work
VIC / VCE Unit 1 / English / Unit 1
NSW / Stage 4 / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / ESL / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / ESL / Australians at work
Indigenous Health Workers
Indigenous people, particularly those from remote communities, fear seeking medical attention. Joan Winch, an Indigenous health professional, set up a health worker training college for Indigenous health workers.
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / Society and Culture / HSC Depth Study Equality and Difference
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
Indigenous Rights - Repatriation
The repatriation of aboriginal remains is an issue close to Aboriginal peoples' hearts and spirit and play a significant part of the reconciliation process.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / History
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Aboriginal Culture post 20th Century
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Reconciliation
Indigenous Rights - Representation
Deputy Chief Minister Marion Scrymgour and Aboriginal Tent Embassy representative Robert Craigie discuss the representation of Aboriginal people in Australian political institutions.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Aboriginal Culture post 20th Century
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Reconciliation
Lowitja O'Donoghue - Reunion
Aboriginal leader and founding chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Lowitja O’Donoghue has worked tirelessly for her people.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Lowitja O'Donoghue - The Stolen Generation
Lois O’Donoghue was born in 1932 in a remote Aboriginal community. She never knew her white father and, at the age of two, was taken away from her mother, who she was not to see for 33 years.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Belonging
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Mabo - Life of An Island Man
This is a film about Eddie Mabo - the man whose name lives on in a High Court ruling that has forever altered Australian life.
National / Year 11 & 12 / English / Native Title
May O'Brien
May O'Brien discusses growing up in a bush camp and her early years on a remote mission.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National Peak Indigenous Body?
Students and the Honorable Mal Brough look at how best peak bodies work for the community they represent.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Leaders
Neville Bonner - Beginnings
Neville Bonner grew up on the banks of the Richmond River and started his working life as a ringbarker, canecutter and stockman. He spent 16 years on the repressive Palm Island Aboriginal Reserve where he learned many of the skills that would help him later as a politician.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Neville Bonner - Change
By the early 1960s, it was clear that Indigenous people were not being assimilated — discrimination against Indigenous people continued and many Indigenous people refused to surrender their culture and lifestyle. The assimilation policy had failed.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Noel Tovey
Noel Tovey survived a childhood of poverty, neglect, sexual abuse and racial prejudice to become a leading light in the arts as an actor, choreographer, writer and theatre director.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Identity
Oodgeroo Noonuccal
Writer and political activist Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poetry represents and captures the growing reaction by a new generation of indigenous Australians against the long-standing colonial mentality.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Identity
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Identity
Parliamentary Representation
The strength of democracies is founded on the breadth of the representation of it's parliamentarians.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Aboriginal Culture post 20th Century
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Leaders
Remembering Eddie Mabo
Aboriginal Elder and teacher Douglas Bon remembers Eddie Mabo and the landmark land rights case he fought.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Land
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Land Rights
Rosalie Kunoth Monks - Social Work
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks is an actor, ex-nun and Aboriginal activist.
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Rosalie Kunoth Monks - Speaking Out
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks is an actor, ex-nun and Aboriginal activist.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
Stuart encounters Outback Aborigines
When John Stuart crossed the interior of Australia, he did so in ignorance of the complex set of boundaries and rules for the use of shared resources that existed among the Aboriginal people.
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 1 Australia to 1914
VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Colonisation
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / History
Ted Egan
Ted Egan reflects on his life in remote communities, the inequalities between black and white Australians, the dilemma of holding power over the communities in which he worked and his changing attitude to Land Rights.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
The Art of Cattle Droving
An artist and two drovers capture the beauty of 1200 head of cattle making their way across the outback in the last great Australian cattle drive.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at work
VIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Country work
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
NSW / Stage 4 / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / English / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 HSC / ESL / Australians at work
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / ESL / Australians at work
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Land
The Bark Petition
In 1963 the Aboriginal Elders at Yirrkala presented the Federal Government with a bark painting, the title deed to their country.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights
National / Year 11 & 12 / Indigenous Studies / Land Rights
The Rainbow Serpent
Ancient Australian creation myths of the Rainbow Serpent can be traced back in rock art at least 6000 years. All Rainbow Serpent stories share a common thread; the fundamental role of water in nature’s cycle of growth and regeneration.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
The Songlines
Various clan groups extending across the land were linked by networks of songs containing aspects of cultural heritage, mythology and identity.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Culture
Tommy McRae & Mickey of Ulladulla
Working at the end of the 19th century, Aboriginal artists Tommy McRae and Mickey of Ulladulla drew the world around them with an extraordinary vitality and sensitivity to detail.
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Artists at work
VIC / VELS Level 6 / The Arts / Creating and making
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Storytelling
National / Year 9 & 10 / Visual Arts / Creating, making and presenting
National / Year 7 & 8 / Visual Arts / Creating, making and presenting
VIC / VELS Level 5 / The Arts / Creating and making
VIC / VCE Unit 4 / Studio Arts / Studio production and art industry contexts
Trade Routes
Australian ‘prehistory’ is the time before written language was used to record information. Culture was passed from one group to another, and from one generation to the next, in oral form, ceremonial dance, and through rock and bark visual art.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Identity
National / Year 9 & 10 / Indigenous Studies / Identity
Wattie Creek
Wattie Creek entered Australian folklore as the birthplace of the Aboriginal land-rights movement when Prime Minister Gough Whitlam visited the Gurindji people to grant them deeds to their land.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies