Digital resources tagged with ‘documentary’

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Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘documentary’.

A Successor for Harold Holt thumbnail

A Successor for Harold Holt

With Prime Minister Holt's definitive disappearance a new leader had to be appointed. John McEwan was sworn in as Prime Minister by the Governor General on December 19, 1967 on the understanding that he would have this role until the Liberal party appointed its new leader.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Anzac Day thumbnail

Anzac Day

General John Monash strived to ensure soldiers that had fought in the Great War received due honour, recognition and assistance. He played a pivotal role in creating Anzac Day commemorations.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 1
National / Upper Primary / Australian History / World War 1
Armistice Day, 1918 thumbnail

Armistice Day, 1918

By 1918 General John Monash and the AIF (Australian Imperial Forces) played a crucial role in defeating Germany on the western front.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 1
Captain Cook - Great Southern Continent thumbnail

Captain Cook - Great Southern Continent

In his first great voyage of discovery, James Cook is chosen to find and explore the 'Great Southern Land'.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration
Captain Cook - James Cook Joins the Navy thumbnail

Captain Cook - James Cook Joins the Navy

Influential patrons help the bright boy James Cook to an apprenticeship in the merchant navy that would make him a ships’ master. But with an eye for the main chance Cook switches to the Royal Navy.

VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Exploration and British Settlement of Australia
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration
Captain Cook - The Death of Cook thumbnail

Captain Cook - The Death of Cook

James Cook’s temperament has become unstable during the long and unsuccessful hunt for the North West passage. He picks a fight with the Hawaiians after a series of thefts by them from the ships and dies on the beach after a fierce battle.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration
Captain Cook’s Tragic Death thumbnail

Captain Cook’s Tragic Death

Captain James Cook’s untimely return to Hawaii ended with his violent death, the details of which are portrayed in numerous conflicting illustrations.

VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Discovery and Exploration
VIC / VELS Level 6 / History / Discovery and Exploration
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration
Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Finches thumbnail

Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Finches

Professor Richard Dawkins explains the significance of the finches collected during the Beagle's visit to the Galapagos Islands, and how this iconic moment represents a failure rather than a triumph of Darwin’s scientific method.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Scientific and technological change
Charles Darwin arrives in Sydney thumbnail

Charles Darwin arrives in Sydney

In 1836 Charles Darwin arrived in Australia and observed Australian wild life. He speculated about what this suggested about ‘creation’ - one of the first times he started to express his developing theory of evolution by means of natural selection.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Scientific and technological change
Charles Darwin proposes to Emma Wedgwood thumbnail

Charles Darwin proposes to Emma Wedgwood

Charles Darwin wrestles with his explosive ideas especially now that he is considering marriage.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Scientific and technological change
Harold Holt becomes Prime Minister thumbnail

Harold Holt becomes Prime Minister

One of the hardest working of Australia’s Cabinet ministers and after 32 years as a parliamentarian, Harold Holt reached the prime ministerial office in 1966.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Harold Holt's Australia thumbnail

Harold Holt's Australia

Harold Holt’s prime ministership represented a major social shift from the tradition and conservatism of the Menzies era, to that of the ‘swinging sixties’.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Post-World War 2 Society
National / Upper Primary / Civics and Citizenship / Australia in the 1960s
Holt Government in Crisis thumbnail

Holt Government in Crisis

The disappearance of our seventeenth Prime Minister, Harold Holt, at Cheviot Beach in 1966 during a beach holiday sparked countless conspiracy theories and ultimately overshadowed his political accomplishments.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Mabo - Life of An Island Man thumbnail

Mabo - Life of An Island Man

This is a film about Eddie Mabo - the man whose name lives on in a High Court ruling that has forever altered Australian life.

National / Year 11 & 12 / English / Native Title
Monash and Billy Hughes thumbnail

Monash and Billy Hughes

John Monash was a most unlikely Digger hero. Of Prussian-Jewish extraction, cultured, he was a middle-aged, overweight citizen-soldier with no active war experience when hostilities broke out in 1914.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 1
Monash at Gallipoli thumbnail

Monash at Gallipoli

The terrible defeat suffered by the Australian and New Zealand forces under British command at Gallipoli changed General John Monash's attitude to how to fight the Great War.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 1
National / Upper Primary / Australian History / World War 1
The Death of Harold Holt thumbnail

The Death of Harold Holt

With Australia at war in Vietnam in 1967, suddenly Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace—an event unparalleled in the history of western democracy.

National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
National / Upper Primary / Australian History / Prime Minister Holt
The Last Great Amateurs thumbnail

The Last Great Amateurs

We follow the Melbourne Phoenix Netball Club - the players, coach and administrators - through the pain and passion of a year in elite-level amateur sport.

National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Documentaries
Who Killed Dr Bogle & Mrs Chandler? thumbnail

Who Killed Dr Bogle & Mrs Chandler?

One of crime history's great unsolved cases - the mysterious deaths of Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler.

National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Documentaries