Digital resources tagged with ‘museums’
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Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘museums’.
Batavia Shipwreck Ruins Stone ruins on Western Australia’s remote West Wallabi Island are the oldest structures built by Europeans in Australia and tell a tale of mutiny and murder. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Discovery and Exploration | |
Charles Darwin and living on Beagle Dr Nigel Erskine comments on how the model of the Beagle and the reproduction of Darwin’s cabin, both part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s exhibition Charles Darwin — voyages and ideas that shook the world help us empathise with Darwin's experience on his epic voyage. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian History and Museums | |
Charles Darwin and the Paint Box Museums have curators to manage and explain the exhibits. Here a museum curator comments on interpreting the meaning and significance of an exhibition object on display as part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s special exhibition Charles Darwin — voyages and ideas that shook the world. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian History and Museums | |
Charles Darwin and the talking crabs A curator examines specimens of crabs collected by Charles Darwin during his ground-breaking voyage. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian History and Museums | |
Charles Darwin's crab collection Dr Sammy De Grave comments on the importance of Charles Darwin's collection of crabs which were brought to Australia to be part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s exhibition Charles Darwin — voyages and ideas that shook the world. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian History and Museums | |
Designing the Charles Darwin- voyages and ideas that shook the world exhibition Museums have designers to create the physical atmosphere of exhibitions. Here a designer comments on how the model of the Beagle and the reproduction of Darwin’s cabin as part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s special exhibition Charles Darwin — voyages and ideas that shook the world help us empathise with his experience. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian History and Museums | |
The logistics behind the Charles Darwin - voyages and ideas that shook the world exhibition A museum administrator comments on the hidden features that were part of mounting the Australian National Maritime Museum’s exhibition Charles Darwin — voyages and ideas that shook the world. National / Year 9 & 10 / English / Site Study - Analysing a museum's representation of history |