Digital resources tagged with ‘children’
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Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘children’.
Aussie-made content Australian film and television production is competing in a globalised world with big international production companies who market their product effectively to the world market. VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian televisionNational / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian television National / Year 9 & 10 / Civics and Citizenship / Citizenship in a democracy | |
Early radio broadcasting An excerpt from The Royal Empire Society Banquet. Liz Jacka describes the impact which radio broadcasts had on Australian life. VIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Radio in AustraliaNational / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Technology National / Year 7 & 8 / English and Media Literacy / Radio in Australia National / Year 7 & 8 / Civics and Citizenship / Historical perspectives | |
Family radio A young boy plays along with a musical game during one of the many ABC broadcasts for children. Children from around Australia tune into a kindergarten broadcast over the ABC. Tim Bowden remembers the ABC children's program The Argonauts. VIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Radio in AustraliaVIC / VELS Level 5 / English / Radio in Australia VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Radio in Australia National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Radio in Australia National / Year 7 & 8 / English and Media Literacy / Radio in Australia National / Year 11 & 12 / Media Studies / Media Audiences National / Upper Primary / English and Media Literacy / Radio in Australia | |
Helping Children in War-Torn Countries Moira Kelly begs for funds from international charities to bring children from war-torn Albania to Australia for medical treatment. One of the children almost dies, but the results are worth the risks. National / Year 11 & 12 / Health Education / Humanitarian Aid | |
Neville Bonner - Beginnings Neville Bonner grew up on the banks of the Richmond River and started his working life as a ringbarker, canecutter and stockman. He spent 16 years on the repressive Palm Island Aboriginal Reserve where he learned many of the skills that would help him later as a politician. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous StudiesNational / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights | |
Rosalie Kunoth Monks - Social Work Rosalie Kunoth-Monks is an actor, ex-nun and Aboriginal activist. National / Year 7 & 8 / Indigenous Studies / Political & civil rights | |
The Magic Pudding Illustrations Norman Lindsay’s The Magic Pudding is one of our best-loved children’s books and the central character, one of our great Australian anti-heroes. National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / StorytellingNational / Upper Primary / English and Media Literacy / Representations |