Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘Prime Ministers’.
A Successor for Harold Holt
With Prime Minister Holt's definitive disappearance a new leader had to be appointed. John McEwan was sworn in as Prime Minister by the Governor General on December 19, 1967 on the understanding that he would have this role until the Liberal party appointed its new leader.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Andrew Fisher’s Lunch Box
Andrew Fisher’s tin lunch box reminds us that humble beginnings informed his political career: he went from union organiser to three-time Prime Minister, inventing the Australian ideal of a ‘fair go’ along the way.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 1 Australia to 1914
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Federation
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
Ben Chifley - The Aftermath of the Miners' Strike
The coal strike of 1949 would come to exemplify the new cold war world, and drive the Chifley government from power.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Ben Chifley's Australia
For most of the 1940s Australian Labor Party had managed to be the automatic choice for those wishing for an intelligently progressive future.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Post-World War 2 Society
Ben Chifley’s Pipe
Possibly our best loved Prime Minister, and a former train driver, Ben Chifley was rarely seen without his pipe, as he guided the country through the austere post-war years.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Storytelling
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 8 Australia's social and cultural history
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / Modern History / Part 2 National Studies - Australia 1945-1983
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / Modern History / Part 3 Personalities in the Twentieth Century
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Post-World War 2 Society
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
Edmund Barton and the Velvet Soap Advertisement
The Velvet Soap advertising campaign is a tongue-in-cheek reminder of Edmund Barton’s hand in formulating the White Australia policy.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 1 Australia to 1914
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Federation
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / Australian Studies / White Australia Policy
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
Harold Holt becomes Prime Minister
One of the hardest working of Australia’s Cabinet ministers and after 32 years as a parliamentarian, Harold Holt reached the prime ministerial office in 1966.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Harold Holt's Australia
Harold Holt’s prime ministership represented a major social shift from the tradition and conservatism of the Menzies era, to that of the ‘swinging sixties’.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Post-World War 2 Society
National / Upper Primary / Civics and Citizenship / Australia in the 1960s
Harold Holt’s Briefcase
The disappearance of our seventeenth Prime Minister, Harold Holt, during a beach holiday sparked countless conspiracy theories. The items left in his briefcase are a significant time capsule of his last days as Prime Minister.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Reporting
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 8 Australia's social and cultural history
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Television news
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Representation
National / Year 11 & 12 / Australian Studies / Indigenous Studies
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / 1960s
Holt Government in Crisis
The disappearance of our seventeenth Prime Minister, Harold Holt, at Cheviot Beach in 1966 during a beach holiday sparked countless conspiracy theories and ultimately overshadowed his political accomplishments.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
James Scullin And The GCMG
James Scullin inspired the people when he offered to rent out The Lodge during the Depression, but his fierce nationalism is best revealed in his campaign to install an Australian-born Governor General.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 3 Australia between the Wars
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Identity
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Great Depression
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Great Depression
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Identity
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / The Depression
John Curtin’s Australian Journalists’ Association Badge
John Curtin’s journalistic instincts came in handy during World War Two when he kept the media onside with secret press briefings. He wore his AJA badge every day he was in office.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at war
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Storytelling
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 4 Australia and World War 2
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australians at war
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / World War 2 - Homefront
Joseph Lyons’ Love Letters
Politics rarely produces impassioned romantics, which makes the hundreds of letters Joseph Lyons wrote to his adored wife and confidante, Enid, as fascinating as they are unexpected
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 3 Australia between the Wars
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Great Depression
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
QLD / Year 11 & 12 / English / Representation
Menzies - Early life and the Empire
In 1941 Australia’s Prime Minister Robert Menzies, like most Australians, would have thought of England as the ‘home country’.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Menzies and Churchill
Menzies traveled to London during the dark months of 1941 where he took on British Prime Minister Churchill over the strategic direction of the war.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 2
Menzies' Forgotten People Speech
With the “Forgotten People” radio talks, Robert Menzies begins reaching out, pitching himself in more domestic, family friendly, homely terms.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
Robert Menzies’ Camera
Robert Menzies’ lifelong passion for home movies resulted in a surprisingly personal record of the war years, including footage of a young Princess Elizabeth.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 4 Australia and World War 2
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 5 Australia in the Vietnam War Era
NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / Modern History / Part 3 Personalities in the Twentieth Century
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / World War 2 - Homefront
Snowy Mountains Scheme
An estimated 100,000 people worked on the Scheme between 1949 and 1974, the year of its completion. Two-thirds of the them were immigrants from over 40 countries around the world. They changed the face of Australian society.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Immigration
Stanley Melbourne Bruce's Cigarette Case
Stanley Melbourne Bruce treasured Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s gift of a gold cigarette case throughout his life.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at war
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 2 Australia and World War 1
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 3 Australia between the Wars
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australians at war
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 1
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australians at War
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
The Death of Harold Holt
With Australia at war in Vietnam in 1967, suddenly Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace—an event unparalleled in the history of western democracy.
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Prime Ministers
National / Upper Primary / Australian History / Prime Minister Holt
The Effect of Cartoons
Bruce Petty investigates the effects of political satire and cartooning.
National / Year 7 & 8 / Civics and Citizenship / Citizenship in a democracy
National / Year 9 & 10 / Society and Environment / Social Systems
National / Year 11 & 12 / Political Studies / Contemporary political and social issues
William Hughes and the 1916 Conscription Badge
William Hughes, “The Little Digger”, campaigned twice for national conscription to boost an Australian army decimated by World War One.
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australian Biography
NSW / Stage 5 / English / Gender issues
NSW / Stage 5 / History / Topic 2 Australia and World War 1
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australian Biography
VIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Gender issues
National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Australian Biography
National / Year 9 & 10 / English and Media Literacy / Gender issues
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
National / Year 11 & 12 / History / Leaders
QLD / Year 10 / SOSE / Australian History