Digital resources tagged with ‘invasion’
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Every digital resource on Screen Australia’s Digital Learning site is tagged with descriptive terms. This list shows the resources which are tagged with ‘invasion’.
Captain Cook - Cook Claims New South Wales After spending some time observing an Aboriginal tribe, Cook claims the entire east coast of New Holland for Britain. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / Colonisation | |
Federation and Defending Our Shores Federation was a time of jobs and opportunities. With our 12,000 mile coast Australia needed a defence force. NSW / Stage 5 / English / Australians at warVIC / VELS Level 6 / English / Australians at war NSW / Stage 4 / English / Australians at war NSW / Stage 6 HSC / English / Australians at war NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / English / Australians at war NSW / Stage 6 HSC / ESL / Australians at war NSW / Stage 6 Preliminary / ESL / Australians at war | |
Menzies and Churchill Menzies traveled to London during the dark months of 1941 where he took on British Prime Minister Churchill over the strategic direction of the war. National / Year 9 & 10 / Australian History / World War 2 |